Tuesday, January 08, 2008


SlushCup 4 DMK Øksnehallen

Urban, hence very slippery man-made surface course. Mix of various grades of tarmac, concrete and flag stones with packing crates to climb over to make it interesting. Inside and outside, wet areas, mostly dry, some snow, some ice, some with oil... The course wound its way through several buildings, down sets of stairs, down and up an underground car park and a set of switchbacks in a hall. Quite a good few fell off and many spectacular crashes, mostly due to a fronter with poor technique in hitting obstacles at an oblique angle or chickening out after committing and then the followers piling in up on top of them.

Some poor choices of tire were also apparent, and many overinflated. One guy went so far with the pressure he blew the rim off the front wheel. Quite a bang that one, I can tell you!

My video crew were busy filming as much as they could, but there was so much going on they could capture everything. The camera I was carrying failed due to the vibration (I think), so no in flight action, which is quite annoying. Reckon I shall move the camera from the handlebar to the side of my helmet.

The drops were too much for my rear suspension and it ended up bottomed out several times. Think I shall put a rubber bung to limit the travel.

Did five laps, if there wasn't quite so much traffic, reckoned I could have done seven.

My GPS track, due to the buildings it's not so brilliant with the capture.

Hit several television news spots, I know of four but have only found two so far.
Blink and you miss me here: TV2 @ 18:00 6/1/2008
I have a lovely sequence at the end of this one, showing how it should be done: TV2 Sport @ 22:45 6/1/2008

A sarcastic video on YouTube.

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